Made it to Hawaii!
So I've made it to Hawaii!
I landed here April 20th and have been working on getting settled in and receiving all my stuff.
My FJ, my motorcycle, and a 20ft. container with all of my tools and house hold goods.
I just uploaded a video to YouTube showing all of that as well as costs for each thing.
I was fortunate enough to be able to find a job right away, I landed Saturday, interviewed Monday and was hired Tuesday so it happened very quickly.
I am grateful to have a pretty good job, but this will also limit the time I will have to work on my land and building my house, shop, etc.
But all of that takes money lol...
As some of you may know I had hoped that the company I previously worked for, which was a start up, would have IPO'd prior to me moving here and then I would have had some money in the bank from options I had. that didn't go as I had hoped so that's why I needed to find a job.
I still have some planning and things to figure out before I can get started on the land.
I may not be able to do the AirBnB as I had planned because I'm not sure if the association or my new neighbors would like lots of strange cars driving down the road to my land...
So, if that's the case I will have to switch around my original layout and also looking to purchase and adjacent two acre parcel that shares a border with our land and then cut a road from that direction. it is in a different tract/neighborhood and also has electricity, internet, and paved roads.
All of this will be documented on my YouTube channel, please subscribe if you haven't yet!
Thank You for following and for your support!
Take Care,